Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Though my adage since our boys were born has been:
"If it doesn't get broken, its a miracle!"
I still find myself at my wits end.

Combine a too-laid-back mama
with 3 boys who are 5 and under....
and things break.
And break.
And spill.
And tumble.
And mess.
And break some more.

It is really helping me
not be too attached to "things."


Sometimes I still lose it.
Are you kidding me?
Can I have ONE pair of sunglasses that don't get a side wrenched off?
One picture frame that doesn't have a crack?
One necklace that isn't broken,
one PAIR of earrings that are still together,
one pen that is where its supposed to be when I need one?

I know its a combination...
Me - need to be more diligent.
Them - are just the age they are!

My new yellow glasses?
That I hid in such a secret place when I bought them
to protect them...
and then I promptly forgot about them...
until I found them today...
on the floor...
with only one handle.
 (or ear piece or whatever you call it)

And all I have to say is:

and now I will move on!

(Gotta go anyway...
Jaxi just stuck a feather duster feather
in the fan
and its now making weird noises....)


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