Thoughts on eating.
Its such a weird subject.
We have to eat.
Our body is a chemical machine.
It needs food to run.
But eating is so attached...
to emotions, likes/dislikes, habits.
For me...
I am not a big eater.
Meaning I do not LOVE food.
I do not like to cook.
I do not like to spend money on food - groceries or eating out.
I do not like to spend time thinking about meals, preparing meals.
I have none of that "joy of cooking" or "love to feed people" stuff.
I also have some un-health mixed in there.
I grew up where us group of teenage girls really just didn't eat.
Hardly at all.
And when we did eat, it was fat-free, chemical crapola.
And so down below I think I still have some of that eating = bad lurking in there too.
That "even if I'm really enjoying it,
I am still calculating calories and thoughts of cellulite are robbing my joy"
I have said that if they could make pills, and I pop one 3 times a day, I'd be happy.
Now I am not anti food really.
I love a juicy apple...
A good sandwich.
A home cooked meal.
Chicken and dumplings!
But just now and then.
Not 3 times a day, day in and day out.
So where is this leading?
I have been seeking a healthy attitude about food.
I want to tackle it 2 ways...
Both to really know and understand and meet my body's needs.
And then also to be free of any hang-ups, any image stuff, any unhealth.
I want to pass down to my boys an understanding of food.
A knowledge of what they need.
A practice of moderation.
A skill of cooking and preparing yummy and healthy things.
So let the food adventure begin!
(Thank goodness for blogs and pinterest - they really make this a whole lot easier!)