Tuesday, October 2, 2012

...everything changes with one phone call..

Ever have one of those moments?
Distracted, overwhelmed, or bored.
Doing dishes, cleaning up a spill, staring in the fridge.
Same ol' same ol'....  until...

the phone rings.

And everything changes.

Nothing is the same.

You wish you could go back one minute.
To before the phone call.
To the same-ness, to the routine, to the known.

But you can't.
It will never be the same.
You have received the information
even if you are in shock,
you are in denial,
you are numb
still you just know
nothing will be the same.

Yep, I had one of these phone calls 2 days ago.
We are getting through.
A terrible terrible situation turned out less terrible.
(thank You Jesus)
But still
life has changed
nothing is the same
we can not turn back time.

And after the shock
and after the details
and after the process
and after the adrenal wears off, and we hit the wall
and after a day of rest, starting to heal
I can say:

I am thankful.

Thankful for what counts.
Thankful for my husband, my kids.
Thankful for our family and friends, that love us and that we get to love.
Thankful that God is in control - especially in times that are so out of our control.
Thankful for peace that passes our understanding.
Thankful for the power of prayer.
Thankful for health, and people, and the things that are important.

Thankful for you, even though I don't know you.

And hoping this encourages you...
Take a moment.
Appreciate the routine.
The little things.
The people.
Whatever you see out your window, or across the room.
A reminder to not take things fore-granted
or to lose sight of the important because of the busy.

And I am praying no phone calls like that ever happen again
to anyone.
But it is a fallen world
and they do happen.
So I am praying too for when those phone calls come
that whoever is receiving the call is surrounded by those who love them.
Those who will hold their hand.
Who may not know the right thing to do or the right thing to say,
but will be there - the ministry of presence means so much.

And praying too that we can be that support,
that love for someone else,
if their phone should ring.

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