Thursday, August 23, 2012

...come on over...

Ok, back to beating the dead horse... of organization.  kind of.

(maybe I should quit typing and start organizing?  hey - be nice!)

thinking today...  i wanna be the kind of person that gets the response:

"come on over!"

here's the thoughts behind that....
the last, let's say 6 years, my house has been in various states of chaos.
does that correspond to when my first was born?  why yes, yes it does!

so for six years i have dreaded people dropping in.
with warning (preferably at least a day) i can be ready.
not perfect, but back to a state of chaos that is acceptable to me.
but drop ins make my tummy hurt!

and truly, i am not an overly done up person.
i am not a perfectionist.
in fact, i would rather have a not-so-done-up-lived-in-house
for the simple fact that i don't want to be about performance.
but i have a limit that is acceptable (we probably all do) and for most of the time
this house is crossing that line.
i think my range is somewhere between cluttered-lived-in all the way to diapers-on-floor-dirty-dirty.
when it gets in the dirty range, something has gotta happen and i don't want no one seeing that.

but there are a few people in my life who i don't care.
1.)  they've seen it before.  and they lived.  and i lived.
2.)  they know and love me.  messy and all.
3.)  i know from their lives that i am important to them, period.

and that's who i wanna be.
i want my friends to know they can call me if they need help
or company
or whatever.
that if i'm dropping by to pick something up, they don't have to panic and stash and cram.
that they are just relaxed,
i come in without knocking,
and either slide a pile over a sit down
or sit together and fold/put away/wash while we chat.

i want that in a physical sense - but also in a spiritual/relational sense.

i want people around me to know they don't have to be put together, or look polished, with me.
that they can be themselves - cluttered, dirty, broken sometimes - and I can come over.
without knocking.
see things as they are.
know its not always this way, not judge, and either sit with them or help with the clean up.
and i wanna be able to do the same.

I think that is real relationship.
And that, to me, is way more important than a clean house.
(sorry house.)

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