Sunday, April 29, 2012



Have you ever suffered from this??  I am a constant repeat performer in this area.  On one hand, I am ok with it because I choose to put people and time with my boys ahead of a house.  For some reason, I just haven't had that pressure I know lots of my friends have - to have a perfectly decorated and in order home with the stress that goes along with that.

But 5 years and 3 little boys later, I have swung WAY TOO FAR to the other side of the scale.  You know there's a balance... I am unbalanced and its on the CHAOS side of things. 

Main issue - I have too much stuff.  I should say, we have too much stuff.  Way too much.  I can get it all straightened and put away, but its not really organized and it takes (and I have timed it) about 3 hours before we're back to CHAOS. 

I also would rather do about 100 other things than dive in.  Like I'd rather blog about it.... O wait.  Whoops!  Is that what I'm doing now?????  BUSTED! 

I'll go get to it!!!!  :)

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